Python Job: Python Developer (Computer Vision)

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São Leopoldo - Brazil

Job type


Python Job Details

Todos os campos abaixo são obrigatórios, exceto se dito o contrário / All fields are mandatory, except if otherwise said
A requisição deve ser feita na linguagem que será atendida / the requisition should be made in the langue it will be answered
1. Cliente / Customer (se aplicável / if applicable):
2. Setor que o candidato irá atuar no cliente / Area in which the candidate will work at the client (se aplicável / if applicable): ex: infraestrutura, financeiro, crédito... / infrastructure, financial, credit:
3. Vertical que o candidato irá atuar / vertical in which the candidate will work (escolha um / choose one): (alocação, estrutura interna Meta, automação e otimização de processos, estratégias e soluções digitais, melhoria de performance e suporte ou plataformas de gestão / staff augmentation, internal structure, digital business, digital application services & SAP, digital operations – AMS or digital operations – automation center)
4. Sobre a area e Projeto / About the area and Project:
5. Responsabilidades do dia a dia / Day to day responsibilities:
6. Requisitos Técnicos Obrigatorios / Mandatory technical requirements:
7. Requisitos Técnicos Desejáveis / Desirable technical requirements:
8. Nível de senioridade + tempo de experiência / Seniority Level + years of experience:
9. Requisitos comportamentais / Soft Skills:
10. Idiomas necessários e nível de proficiência / Languages+level skills:
11. Duração do Projeto / Project’s Length (se aplicável / if applicable):
12. Gestor Imediato Meta / Direct report manager at Meta:
13. Centro de Custo / Cost Center (se não tiver, informar o provisório / if not available yet, inform the temporary one):
14. Banda de remuneração / Salary Budget:
15. Número do pipe do Salesforce (somente BR / only for Brazilian openings) (se aplicável / if applicable):
16. Tipo de contratação / Hiring model (CLT, PJ, Contractor):
17. Carga horária e período / Work hours (part time, full time, weekend or holiday shifts, 24/7 support etc):
18. Necessidade de Viagem? Quem arca? / Travel required? Who pays for it?:
19. Etapas do processo seletivo no cliente / Customer’s selective process (testes técnicos – anexar arquivo se houver, video entrevista, painel técnico etc / technical assessment – attach the file, if any, video interview, technical pannel etc) (se aplicável / if applicable):
20. A vaga é confidencial? / Is the job opening confidential?
21. CV para o cliente deve ser em ingles ou portugues? (somente BR / only for Brazilian openings) (se aplicável / if applicable):
22. Necessidade de Maquina + modelo / Laptop is needed? Which Model?:
We are delighted that you want to be part of our team!
About the Job Title:
Define the best development practices;
Programming, coding and testing systems in the language, moving between Front-End and Back-End development projects;
Carry out the development of complex functionalities;
Carry out the development of complex features.
Propose technological evolutions in the systems.
Monitor the implementation of systems development best practices.
Validate the level of existing tests in the projects;
Validate the new features of the applications;
Monitor the performance and performance of application systems;
Propose technological evolutions in the systems;
Anticipate opportunities and problems, acting quickly and effectively, developing preventive solutions;
Assist in the orientation of newer developers and contribute to project decision-making;
Perform system maintenance, making any necessary corrections, in order to meet user needs;
Develop assembly work, debugging and testing programs, performing maintenance services on the programs already developed.
What do you need to take part in this selection process?
What makes you a differentiator among your competitors?

Job Type: Full-time